Flowpresso For Stress Relief, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders & More!

Flowpresso For Stress Relief, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders & More!

More and more in my practice I am recommending ways to limit the effect of stress on patients – be it acupuncture, meditation, trauma work, counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other somatic body work interventions. But many of these are hard to do consistently, some are expensive and time consuming and often getting into the habit of daily or weekly maintenance does not create long lasting benefits. Enter Flowpresso!

Got Anxiety? Part 1:  Integrative Options To Ease Your Stress

Got Anxiety? Part 1: Integrative Options To Ease Your Stress

Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. But those with anxiety disorders can experience intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. This can involve episodes of sudden intense anxiety and actual terror that reaches a peak within minutes – aka panic attacks. First of all, what I love about an integrative approach to anxiety is that it is highly personalized to the person who is experiencing distressing levels of stress and anxiety…