Top Tips For Preventing Or Reversing Male-Pattern Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss on your head is one of those things that is just NOT  okay.  I’m all about aging gracefully and doing everything as naturally as possible, but in my 30’s I had a stretch of losing a LOT of hair. I probably would have started inhaling arsenic if someone, and by someone I mean anyone, told me it would stop the tide of hair loss.  If you are told that your hair loss is related to “too much testosterone” or “it’s genetic” or “we don’t know why,” the following tips may help.

Male pattern hair loss in women is genetic and occurs if testosterone levels or the sensitivity of your hair follicle to even normal levels of  testosterone is not properly balanced. Here are some valuable recommendations to help restore your hair.

Zinc — You’d think I invented zinc the way I go on about it, but zinc improves hormone estrogen balance, reduces androgens levels and increases progesterone (a natural testosterone blocker).   You may see improvement in 8 weeks.  RECOMMENDED DOSE: 30-50mg taken after dinner (take with food to avoid nausea).

Reishi mushroom — blocks a fancy sounding enzyme (5 a DHT) that converts testosterone to the more potent DHT hormone. Reishi has many other health benefits. It boosts your immunity and calms your stress hormone (adrenal) pathways. RECOMMENDED DOSE: depends on the supplement you are using.  Follow directions on the bottle.

DIM — (diindolylmethane) is a phytonutrient that comes from vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale. It blocks testosterone receptors and improves liver cleansing action. What does DIM do? It improves acne, reduces hair loss and reduces hirsutism (excess facial and body hair). RECOMMENDED DOSE: 100 mg per day.  If you tend toward low estrogen symptoms like hot flashes or night sweats, this could make those symptoms worse.

Saw palmetto  — blocks that 5 a DHT enzyme that makes the more potent form of testosterone called DHT.  When used in combination with green tea, vitamin D and melatonin, it was shown to help improve male-pattern hair loss in women.  Like DIM, saw palmetto can have the unwanted effect of decreasing estrogen.

Support natural progesterone production — First, a bit of hormone science: Testosterone CAN shrink hair follicles on your head, while increasing hair growth on your face — who came up with THAT master plan? Progesterone helps block male hormone activity, putting the breaks on some forms of hair loss (and the old chin hair–mustache combo).  The following vitamins and minerals top the list for excellent progesterone boosters:

Zinc, magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6.  Make sure you have a great multivitamin to cover your bases with these vitamins and check for deficiencies on blood testing to be sure you are up to speed on protecting your lovely hair locks!

Bonus! How to make Sweet Potato Toast like a pro!

Want to swap out the old processed, glutenous, no redeeming benefit, run of the mill, empty calorie, filled with weird chemical ingredients and preservatives wheat toast (and spelt and sprouted are not better, yo!) for a slab of healthful, tasty, won’t make you fat and sick, sweet potato toasts?   Read on…

Here are the steps…

➀ Slice the sweet potato lengthwise into ¼ inch thick slices

➁ Place the sweet potato slices in a toaster on high for about 5 minutes or until cooked through. You may need to toast multiple times depending on your toaster settings.

➂ Top with desired toppings and enjoy! Sweet potato toast slices can be stored in an airtight glass container for up to 1 week.

Almond Butter Banana Cinnamon

➔1 sweet potato

➔ Almond butter, to taste

➔ 1 small banana, sliced or add a handful of berries or pomegranate seeds

➔ Cinnamon, to taste, or not!

Bacon And Egg

➔ 1 sweet potato

➔ 2 slices of bacon, cooked

➔ 2 eggs, scrambled

➔ Salt and Pepper to taste

➔ Green onion, for garnish

Fried Egg And Spinach

➔ 1 sweet potato

➔ Handful wilted spinach

➔ Salsa, to taste

➔ 1 egg, fried

Chicken Salad

➔ 1 sweet potato

➔ Avocado mayo Chicken salad, to taste

➔ Green onion, for garnish

Strawberry Almond Coconut

➔ 1 sweet potato

➔ Coconut yogurt, to taste

➔ 1-2 strawberries, sliced

➔ Handful sliced almonds


➔ 1 sweet potato

➔ 1/2 small avocado, mashed

➔ salsa

➔ Salt, Pepper and Hot sauce to taste

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Ready for the legal disclaimer? Information offered here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. As with any health recommendations, please contact your doctor to be sure any changes you wish to consider are safe for you!